meditation | yoga wisdom

Insight meditation timer

January 3, 2016

I was reading something somewhere online about new technology to help with age-old practices, including meditation. From the article, I discovered the Insight timer, a free app for iPhone and Android users that has a lovely interface. It grants users a long list of guided meditations in a variety of languages. For those who want to silently meditate, the clean-sounding bell timer includes duration, start tone, and end tone. There’s even a social aspect to the app, in which users can join a plethora of groups to discuss various aspects related to meditation. Here’s a sampling from my group list: 365 Day Challenge Group, Haiku Oasis, and Eating Mindfully. You can even send Friend requests and Notes of Thanks to those who meditate at the same time you do. To stick to your meditation intention, you may choose to post each session on your Twitter account and, once you reach a milestone, post a note to Facebook. It’s a fun app I recommend to all who might want to give meditation a try.

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